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- 2. 1080P圓
- 3. 1080P再婚的技術
- 4. 720P親愛的家
- 5. 720P配對2
- 6. 1080P非常手段
- 7. TC編號17
- 8. HD圓2024
- 9. HD中字花暖簾
- 10. 1080P我們的勇氣 未滿都市 SP
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- 13. TC中字想飛的女孩
- 14. HD森林王子1942
- 15. 1080P魅味
- 16. 第10集一級方程式:疾速爭勝 第七季
- 17. 1080P想象一下
- 18. 720P美妙四人組
- 19. 1080PIliza Shlesinger: A Different Animal
- 20. 1080P解碼危機
影片名稱: 臣仆
影片類型: 劇情 喜劇
影片年份: 2025
制片地區: 德國
迪德里?!ず账沽?(Diedrich Hessling) 是澤西小鎮一位造紙廠老板的兒子。他從小就欺凌弱小、畏懼強者。他害怕權力并追求權力。他喜歡在老師面前做小報告,喜歡看到別人批評。進入寄宿學校后,他和女孩子的接觸更多了。當她找到愛情時,她拒絕嫁給他,因為她有另一個男朋友,并且被他認為不夠純潔。他還獲得了博士學位。但不是為了就業或學術研究,而是為了金錢和權力。父親去世后,他接替他成為造紙廠的老板。他乘勢而上,與自由派和社會民主黨打交道…… 《臣仆》是海因里?!ぢ鞋F實主義文學的代表作。導演試圖通過影片揭示人性。通過巧妙的蒙太奇和圖像的疊加,對“仆人精神”進行了殘酷的諷刺。在展示迪特里?!ず账沽值呐詴r,我們用高架攝像機將他縮小到蛆蟲大小,讓他跪下來接近皇帝。在展示他用武力騷擾他人的同時,他還用仰視的鏡頭將他放大到巨大的尺寸,生動地描繪了帝國時代一個奴性、卑鄙和危險的德國公民的典型例子。電影《臣仆》是一部 1951 年的劇情片,由沃爾夫岡·施陶特執導,海因里希·曼、弗里茨·施陶特、沃爾夫岡·施陶特編劇,維爾納·彼得斯飾演。這部電影豆瓣評分7.3。
Der Untertan is the most famous novel by German author Heinrich Mann. It has been translated into English under the titles "Man of Straw," "The Patrioteer," and "The Loyal Subject" (translation by Helmut Peitsch). The title poses a problem for the non-German reader since there is no effective translation of the word 'Untertan' in the sense it was employed by Mann. The 'Subject' of the title conveys a sense of unthinking servility to the state.Although the novel was completed in July 1914, shortly before the outbreak of World War I, it was not published until 1918 (by Kurt Wolff Verlag of Leipzig). After the war, the novel enjoyed considerable popularity, given its critiques of the ultra-nationalism of Wilhelmine Germany."Der Untertan" portrays the life of Diederich Hessling, a slavish and fanatical admirer of Kaiser Wilhelm II, as an archetype of nationalist Wilhelmine Germany. Hessling is unthinkingly obedient to authority and maintains a rigid dedication to the nationalist goals of the German state.Throughout the novel, Hessling's inflexible ideals are often contradicted by his actions: he preaches bravery but is a coward; he is the strongest proponent of the military but seeks to be excused from his obligatory military service; his greatest political opponents are the revolutionary Social Democrats, yet he uses his influence to help send his hometown's SPD candidate to the Reichstag to defeat his Liberal competitors in business; he starts vicious rumors against the latter and then dissociates himself from them; he preaches and enforces Christian virtues upon others but lies, cheats, and regularly commits infidelity.Diederich's ideals: blood and iron, and the might of opulent power, are exposed as hollowness and weakness. Diederich Hessling--the child (and later adult) who acts as an informer, the member of the Neo-Teuton student fraternity, the doctor of chemistry, the paper manufacturer, and eventually the most influential man in town--is a critical allegory depicting German society's increasing susceptibility to chauvinism, jingoism, ultra-nationalism, anti-Semitism, and proto-fascism. His character is often juxtaposed, in both words and appearance to another man of straw: Kaiser Wilhelm II. In one instance, Hessling's behavior and outward appearance move an observer to stammer, 'It almost seems to me...You look so very much like His ...' , meaning the Kaiser.Mann uses the moral bankruptcy and shallow ridiculousness of Hessling's life to critique Wilhelmine German society generally. Like other novels of the period, such as Theodor Fontane's Effi Briest, or even his brother Thomas Mann's Buddenbrooks, the principal target is the hypocrisy of bourgeois society and the risk of social collapse in a nation of loyal 'Untertan' citizens.In East Germany, the book was made into a movie in 1951, directed by Wolfgang Staudte and starring Werner Peters as Diederich Hessling.。