- 1. 1080P修女驅魔人
- 2. 1080P圓
- 3. 1080P再婚的技術
- 4. 720P親愛的家
- 5. 720P配對2
- 6. 1080P非常手段
- 7. 1080P編號17
- 8. HD圓2024
- 9. 720P夜游人.
- 10. 1080P花暖簾
- 11. 1080P我們的勇氣 未滿都市 SP
- 12. 1080P靜默地帶
- 13. 1080P我的賽博格丈夫
- 14. TC中字想飛的女孩
- 15. HD森林王子1942
- 16. 1080P魅味
- 17. 第10集一級方程式:疾速爭勝 第七季
- 18. 1080P想象一下
- 19. HD套現2:大賭客
- 20. 720P美妙四人組
這是一部2013年上映的電影,由呂克·雅克執導。故事講述了呂克·雅克的新電影的故事,它帶我們踏上一段非凡的旅程,深入熱帶森林的最深處,直達生命本身的核心。歷史上第一次,熱帶森林將出現在我們眼前。從花蕾到參天大樹枝繁葉茂,從樹冠到動植物之間隱藏的聯系的發展,在我們眼前至少已經過去了七個世紀。 。豆瓣評分達到8分,展現了復雜的人物關系和令人難忘的故事情節。
I heard a story about a birdWho fell in love under a tree.The girl he liked lived in a houseIn an orchard by the sea.An everyday they used to kissUnder the tree, close to the sea,They made love there, so many timesTheir bodies shining on the ground.Once upon a forest there was a treeWhere you danced with me, my love.Once upon a forest there was a treeWhere you danced with me.One day the tide came up so highIt took the lovers by surprise.The water washed them from the groundAnd brought them to the ocean wild.And from that bed under the tree,The river ran down to the seaAnd in the water a forest growsUp to the sky where the wind blowsOnce upon a forest there was a treeWhere you danced with me, my love.Once upon a forest there was a treeWhere you danced with me.Upon the forest was found a soulOf a bird and a treeThe unsung feather loved to beWith the girl above the sea。