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      • 影片名稱: 怪異同床人

        影片類型: 喜劇

        影片年份: 2025

        制片地區: 澳大利亞

        由Dean Murphy執導,2004年上映的《怪異同床人》,是由皮特·波斯爾思韋特 Pete Postlethwaite、保羅·霍根 Paul Hogan領銜主演的電影。

        《怪異同床人》2004 年喜劇,由皮特·波斯爾思韋特和保羅·霍根主演。由迪恩·墨菲執導。故事講述了郊區小鎮的兩個異性戀男子必須學習如何成為一對恩愛的同性戀伴侶,以便利用新法律并獲得免稅的機會。當稅務檢查員來檢查它們的真實性時,又一個笑話發生了。 。豆瓣評分達到7分,展現了一段復雜的關系和令人難忘的故事。

        if you have one real friend in this life


        Now, I understand there's been a bit of speculation around town about Vince Hopgood and myself.Well, it's nobody's business but ours,what goes on between Vince and I.We've been mates since we were kids.Most of you have known us all your lives.Crikey, we've lived and worked amongst you for years.That's what you should be judging us by,not about what may or may not happen between us in private.Vince has been part of every important event in my life.He was my best man.when my daughter was born...and when my wife, Helen,passed away.He was a tower of strength to me.See, it doesn't matter who you are;if you have one real friend in this life,one person you can truly trust,then you're very lucky indeed.Vince Hopgood has been the best mate a man could have.And, yes, for anyone out there who's interested,I love him.I'm not ashamed to admt it.。


