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      • 影片名稱: 決斗的人

        影片別名: 決斗者、決戰驕雄

        影片類型: 劇情 戰爭

        影片年份: 2024

        制片地區: 英國

        由雷德利·斯科特執導,1977年上映的《決斗的人》,是由基思·卡拉丹、哈威·凱特爾、阿爾伯特·芬尼、愛德華·福克斯、克里斯蒂娜·雷恩斯、羅伯特·斯蒂芬斯、湯姆·康蒂、約翰·麥克埃尼、戴安娜·奎克、艾倫·阿姆斯特朗、Maurice Colbourne、蓋伊·漢密爾頓、梅格·韋恩·歐文、珍妮·魯納奎、艾倫·韋布、Matthew Guinness、內維爾·杰森、威廉姆·摩根·謝潑德、麗茲·史密斯、Anthony Douse、休·弗拉瑟、William Hobbs、皮特·波斯爾思韋特、盧克·斯科特、斯泰西·基齊領銜主演的電影。

        《決斗的人》The Plot 于 1977 年上映,由雷德利·斯科特執導。故事講述了偉大視覺導演雷德利·斯科特的處女作《天國》《角斗士》《黑鷹墜落》的故事。豆瓣評分達到7分,展現了復雜的人物關系和令人難忘的故事情節。

        "Good-looking debut"



        First movie ever made by Ridley Scott, the Master of Hollow Spectacles. Visually stunning. As a period piece, the research that evidently went into preparartion of the costumes, settings and army paraphalia, is simply amazing.The plot is perfunctory. It is the kind of scripts that you figure can only be saved with a tragic climax near the end, which, is this case, never came. But who cares. The visual quality of this film is so painstakingly worked out and so richly layered, that its own very sophistication alone seems, for lack of a better word, "cultured". One sees tributes to earlier Flemish Masters from to Vermeer to Steen, to Rembrandt, in terms of lighting (side profile), composition (by the window), and coloration (rich dark tones). Like the old Masters, Scott here refrained from letting his frames lapse into cloy prettiness: in presenting articles and fine details for our inspection, Scott kept in the coarse and unsavory, which I particularly admire as signs of a healthy sensibility.It is therefore distressing, though interesting, to note the regression of Scott's visual quality, from "Duellists", to "Blade Runners", to "Gladiators". Even an advertising man has a soul to lose.。

