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      • 影片名稱: 水性楊花

        影片別名: Easy Virtue

        影片類型: 喜劇 愛情

        影片年份: 2025

        制片地區: 英國、加拿大


        《水性楊花》2008 年喜劇,由杰西卡·貝爾、本·巴恩斯、克里斯汀·斯科特·托馬斯、科林·費爾斯和金伯利·尼克松主演。斯蒂芬·艾略特執導。影片講述了1929年的英國,惠特克夫人(克里斯汀·斯科特·托馬斯 Kristin Scott Thomas 飾)是一個貴族家庭的族長。她精心打理家務,平衡丈夫(科林·費斯 Colin Firth 飾)。 )和兩個女人……豆瓣評分達到7分,展現了復雜的人物關系和令人難忘的故事情節。

        you don't know what is love




        The entire story is based on the irony. "You would not know what is love" told by Larita to John, who she has married to but not really are. Larita's charming, glamorous American woman, first caught John's attention. They fall in love so quickly. Irony happened after she getting involved into John's family. John's mother don't love her just because of her fair style, colour, social statue and her remarriage. John turned to be changed after he found his living might not be afford. He turned to his neighbour girl, who has a big deal of money. Larita's secret was found by those who live in the house. She was accused of murderring his exhusband. Only John's father understood her, who experienced silly wars and changed his whole view of life, finding that his wife (John's mother)loves nothing but his fame and money. After long period of depression, John's father got through the damn house. The last dance between Larita and John's father is definitely impressed. They are the true matcher. Larita, in the end left with John's father. she is only true wear real heart woman, who can love without condition. Therefore, she told John: you don't know how love could be. You don't understand if you love someone you would not let him sufferring from pain. That's why she help her exhusband having suicide. Who is really got virtue and who is really urgly, it depends, not on your outter but from your inner。

