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      小美國 第一季



      • 8集全
      • 第22集
      • 完整版
      • 13集全
      • 完整版
      • 10
      • 9集全
      • 完整版


      • Apple TV+ 宣布成長喜劇《小美國 Little America》將于 2020 年 1 月 17 日推出。該劇改編自Epic雜志上的真實故事,講述了美國移民搞笑、浪漫、誠實、令人驚奇的故事。主演包括Z...電視劇《小美國 第一季》是一部于2020年上映的喜劇電影,由陳子傲、史蒂芬·鄧恩、夏安·海德、迪帕·梅塔、巴雷特·內魯利、尼瑪·諾里扎德執導,陳子傲、艾米麗·V·戈登、夏安·海德編劇。相關角色分別為 Cornfield、Jaynes Cochado、Camjando Coutinho、Melanie Laurent、Angela Lin、Zachary Quinto、Suraj Sharma、Haas·Seleman、Sean Toub、John Ortiz、比爾·赫克、拉維·卡普爾、蘇克里奇·巴拉、迪爾德麗·弗里爾、貝基·安。貝克、雪琳·芬、史蒂文·豪克、瑪格麗特·斯汀普森。其中,Cornfield飾演Iwegbuna Ikeji,Jernst Cochado飾演Marisol,Kemyando Coutinho飾演Beatrice,梅蘭妮·洛朗(Melanie Laurent/Marilyn Laurent/Melanie Lauren/Melanie Rohon)飾演Sylviane,Angela Lim飾演Ai,扎克瑞·昆圖(Zachary Quint)飾演Ai蘇拉·夏爾馬 (Suraj Sharma) 飾演卡比爾 (Kabir),飾演哈斯·塞萊曼·拉·菲克 (Haas Seleman Ra fiq),肖恩·托布 (Sean Toub) 飾演法拉茲 (Faraz),約翰·奧爾蒂斯 (John Ortiz) 飾演教練,比爾·赫克 (Bill Heck) 飾演杰克,拉維·卡普爾 (Ravi Kapoor) 飾演克里山 (Krishan),保羅·唐斯 (Paul Downs) 飾演。克雷格、蔡斯·W·狄龍飾演年輕的伊維格布納,伊麗莎·赫爾姆飾演戴維斯夫人。這部電視劇在豆瓣評分7.7。

        You just can't use love to solve it all
        I tried meditation several years ago. After reading the biography of Steve Jobs, a super fan of meditation and Zen, I decided to wake up in a morning and try it myself. I sat on my single bed, one leg crossing the other with hands on my knees, gently closed my eyes and followed the instructions I found on the internet. "Find a comfortable position." "Be aware of your body." "Focus on your breath." "No matter what you are feeling, just let it happen." "Let the ground around you support you", etc.Just like Sylvianne in The Silence, I wanted to "find it in me." After about four minutes, I felt like thousands of ants were moving on my body. My mind was totally out of control. All I wanted to do was to stretch myself and get the hell out of that situation. In a word, the whole meditation thing, for me, was nothing but torture.I wasn't disappointed. It was just one ruined morning. But for Sylvianne, who made such a big trip all the way from Europe to America, with all the money, time, and effort, it is different. She couldn't just quit and get the hell out of that jungle. She came with the bitterness of solidarity, just like we all do every day, and wouldn't leave without solving it.So, she stayed, kept participating in all the activities in that small land of silence, laughed and dreamt during sessions, leaving other people's experiences ruined. Her body was restricted. Her mouth was shut. But her mind was wandering in the world of imagination. Ironically, the silence around her made her more restless. Then a man came. She fell in love with him almost right away, a typically wild American man with broad shoulders, long hair and soft eyes. After the event, she visited him in the cabin he had built by himself. They got married, had a baby and lived happily thereafter.It's a fairy tale in terms of content and form. It's a pop song that makes people addicted. It's a poem that would be collected into a bestseller instead of a classic one. I love it, personally. And I would be more than happy if I went to such an event to "find it in me', to solve my emptiness and solidarity, but end up living with an exotic girl in a cabin.But, at the end of the day, problems just weren't solved. Love is brilliant, but is it the answer? Is it the power to solve the bitterness? Is it the thing that Sylvianne flew half of the world to try to find? I doubt that. It brings happiness and strength but never solves anything.People were finally allowed to talk. The guru finally found that the price tag was there on his coat. The event is finally over. It's as if anything was solved, but nothing was solved. Maybe that's the meaning of any other experience, or maybe they should go to India or Japan for real meditation and Zen, where there are fewer McDonalds and more true gurus.




