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      • 影片名稱: 直彎好基友

        影片別名: Partners

        影片類型: 喜劇 同性

        影片年份: 2025

        制片地區: 美國


        該電視劇于2012年9月24日在美國播出,由邁克爾·尤里、大衛·克羅姆霍爾茨、索菲亞·布什、布蘭登·羅斯、伊麗莎白·里根和露西·大衛主演。導演:詹姆斯·伯羅斯。該片講述了哥倫比亞廣播公司 (CBS) 2012 年秋季新劇《直彎好基友》的故事,講述了一對一起長大的同性戀情侶喬(大衛·克魯霍爾茨飾)和路易斯(邁克爾·尤里飾)的故事。在建立了深厚的友誼和成功的商業伙伴關系后,喬向女友求婚,他們的世界突然發生了天翻地覆的變化。兩個最好的朋友之間的關系比任何浪漫都更長久。雖然路易斯有一個身材高大的姐妹好友懷亞特(布蘭登·羅斯 飾),但當喬正要向現任女友、珠寶設計師阿里(索菲亞·布什 飾)求婚時,路易斯卻意外毀掉了。四個人就像三對情侶,搭檔關系曖昧……《直彎好基友》劇情來自制片人大衛·科漢(David Kohan)和馬克斯·穆奇尼克(MaxMutchnick)的現實生活關系:兩人一直在從高中開始的朋友。畢業后,他們共同創立了制作公司KoMut,以他們名字的首字母命名,創造了美劇史上的里程碑《威爾與格蕾絲》。 《威爾與格蕾絲》 這是第一部以同性戀為主角的電視節目,并獲得了艾美獎和演員工會獎等多項提名。它對美國主流社會對同性戀的態度產生了深遠而積極的影響。 《直彎好基友》延續了《威爾與格蕾絲》中直線與曲線的組合模式,探索突破性取向束縛的新一代人際交往。 。豆瓣評分達到8分,展現了復雜的人物關系和令人難忘的故事情節。

        Blah Blah Blah



        ok, i know i like to comment on some weird ass tv shows and never really finish them(that's me haha) anyway, i recently started watching this new show partners and there is only one reason for that: sophia bush!!! ok, i admit that ive been watching too much one tree hills lately and just very recently i ve started to comment on that show, ok totally irrelevent but omg! there is brooke! again! on some mainstream homo show! there's no way im gonna miss that haha ..ok back on track there 's only been three episodes out and from the very own personal perspective it's ahhh..not that funny oh maybe im just not the right type of audience for the is show.. a lot of people who commented say that this is a lot like will and grace and i'd agree with them (since ive watched like six seasons of wag,yeah ) but honestly, im not surprised that i still find wag more attractive ..older is better?lol i guess i just can't feel the chemistry among this group of people , at least yet, but i still believe this is fixable. after all wag is actually kinda boring to me at first but it still got a lot better pretty quickly, right? back back on sophia bush, or i'd still rather call brooke (oh please, everyone who ve watched oth would do the same thing toooo) since she IS the biggest reason that i started this show. she got on stage as the girlfriend of the straight guy from an intriguing "straight-gay" friendship i ve always wondered if it is possible to have a gay best friend and a girlfriend cuz you know, the mixed feelings could hurt, or even kill the whole thing..but it seems that on every gay themed television show, this never happened(thank god?) brooke, or ali, whatever, owns a jawlery shop (ok, i know she's pretty cool and everything but it seems she just won't let go the fashion and extravengence ) just like any other sterotype businesswomen on tv show, she is pretty, sexy, independent , good at sarcasm and suck at cooking, and of course eager for true love. well guess, what, that just reminded me of ? yes brooke! of course, i mean the real one. lol yeah, i did watch too many oth these days and kinda having the feeling of see everything through it. anyway, im not saying that im disappointed at the setting(actually i liked it) but i really like to see sophia bush in a more versatile style many people don't think the show is gonna survive somehow, while i, for the love of god and sophia bush, wish that this is gonna turn out to be another dark horse of the season. best wishes!!!。

