游客 月微茫 12/31 05:57新書廣告,但奧普拉的采訪還算很好看的。
游客 漫不經心的fish 12/29 15:03you have two choices at the point, you can just stay there, and be swallowed, or you can move on, i choose to move on, i didnt want to be swallowed, i wanted to be different.
游客 sosocat 12/27 06:26people always say, try harder, do better, pull yourself up with your bootstraps. but it's hard to do that when you don't have a boot.
游客 Hello翹臀 12/23 08:00不停跑跑跑躲避黑暗創傷的她,終於停下來,想要找個能安身的家,而這條路必須往回走,回到幼時的種種不堪,在那裡她才能接回自己,一起往前走。不到一小時,能聽到如此精彩的生命體悟,很值得。
游客 平靜安穩的生活 12/22 14:37All courage is, is fear said with prayers.
游客 Miss Curiosity 12/22 00:54Finding me一直在我的TBR上我卻遲遲沒有找到一個契機翻開它。這段四十五分鐘的訪談像是在提醒我,是時候打開它了。Life is sort of a dying of self… and happiness is a journey, not a destination. Hope we can all find peace and joy in our life.
游客 songtao 12/18 00:31奧普拉的采訪功力太強了,除了最后一個問題,其他的對話都堪稱完美
游客 仙林梅老板 12/14 15:12deprivation、courage! 看完想看她的書