游客 Miss Curiosity 12/20 19:08演技好差好浮夸啊特別是ethan。。。這片子也太爛了吧。。。
游客 干柿子 12/18 17:34不好看。劇本太爛??床幌氯壛恕?/div>游客 Scarlett Chen 12/18 09:29亞裔女配長得好像阿雅啊游客 天氣妹~ 12/15 21:37i can't tell it's a show about bad people or it's just a bad show.游客 妙夏 12/13 21:36All endeavors to embrace the chaotic nature of life are worth endorsing. Has that NYC intelligentsia cuteness written all over it. NF seemed to have produced quite a lot of such shows lately. Details apparently need some work but the general idea is intriguing.查看完整評論信息