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      • 影片名稱: 第七天堂

        影片別名: 七重天(港),Seventh Heaven

        影片類型: 劇情 愛情

        影片年份: 2025

        制片地區: 美國

        由弗蘭克·鮑沙其執導,1927年上映的《第七天堂》,是由珍妮·蓋諾、查爾斯·法萊爾、Albert Gran、大衛·巴特勒、瑪麗·莫斯奎尼、格拉迪斯·布羅克威爾、埃米爾·肖塔爾、Ben Bard、喬治·E·斯通、亨利·阿爾梅塔、Lewis Borzage Sr.、Dolly Borzage、瑪麗·鮑沙其、Sue Borzage、Italia Frandi、Venezia Frandi、Frankie Genardi、Lois Hardwick、Jessie Haslett、布蘭登·赫斯特領銜主演的電影。

        該片于 1927 年在美國上映,由弗蘭克·博薩奇執導。故事圍繞巴黎街頭的下水道工人奇科·羅巴斯展開,他希望有一天能成為一名街道清潔工。雖然他很有信心,但他缺乏宗教信仰,覺得上帝總是讓他失望。離他工作的地方不遠住著一個漂亮的女孩,名叫迪妮。他邪惡的妹妹娜娜經常無緣無故地打罵他。當娜娜感到被生活欺騙時,她鞭打了迪妮。有一次迪妮掉進溝里,娜娜勒死了她。奇卡跑出下水道,幫助迪妮趕走娜娜。后來,倒霉的迪恩決定用千歌的刀奪回自己的生命,卻被千歌阻止了。當警察訓斥迪安時,奇卡又跑出去告訴警察她要成為他的妻子。警方并不相信她的故事,因為奇科同情這個女孩,并邀請她到他的公寓過夜。她的公寓位于一棟高層建筑的七樓,迪安妮稱之為“第七天堂”。與此同時,Chika得到了她想要的工作,想要做更大更好的事情,而Deanne也因為Chika的自信而獲得了生活的信心,不再害怕生活。當他……豆瓣評分達到8分,展現了復雜的人物關系和令人難忘的故事情節。

        [Film Review] 7th Heaven (1927)

        A triple bill of Hollywood’s prototypal producer-director Frank Borzage, who is the first director nabbing two Oscars for Best Director honor, one for 7TH HEAVEN. Although there were two trophies for directors in the very first year of the Academy Awards, Borzage won in directing Dramatic Picture and Lewis Milestone won in directing Comedy Picture for TWO ARABIAN KNIGHTS, 1927, which was a one-off thing. And 4 years later, Borzage propitiously copped another golden statuette for BAD GIRL.

        Borzage’s camera begins to move both horizontally and vertically (that stories-spanning shot must’ve been a revelation at then!) in his WWI tearjerker 7TH HEAVEN, a thrice Oscar-winning picture (Janet Gaynor reaped the very first Best Actress award for her collective achievement in this film, Murnau’s SUNRISE and STREET ANGEL, Borzage’s follow-up to 7TH HEAVEN), and kick-starts the appealing pairing of Gaynor and Charles Farrell, they would eventually make 12 pictures together.

        Also worth citing is that some rudimentary sound effects are experimented in this largely silent film, including a theme song titled “Diane”. 7TH HEAVEN is a gutter-dwelling romantic union between an atheist sewer cleaner turned street sweeper Chico (Farrell, a strapping stripling) and Diane (a waif-like Gaynor sparkles with elfin charm on top of her bent for staggering pathos), a piteous girl abused by her alcoholic sister Nana (Brockwell, a full-boded incarnation of vileness). It is about how a sensitive girl gets smitten by her ebullient knight in shining armor and what does it take to make him realize his reciprocal feelings for her. In Borzage’s conception, a proletariat love isn’t a coup de foudre, it gutters, simmers, even wavers, only attains its wholeness through a rite of passage, here actualized by the accursed WWI, and an undimmed conviction of faith, where they can truly be united by an unalloyed mutual love that is worth living for.

        Borzage’s innovations of his craft bulk large in 7TH HEAVEN. Besides the camera’s new-gained mobility, the striking compositions from a manhole or a staircase, the full-scale frontline hell-mouth and massive movements that are teeming with people, Diane in her wedding dress resembling a divine ascension, and Chico and Diane’s final embrace enlightened by a chink of light, these are all evidences that attest Borzage is a meritorious winner to receive his laurels.

        referential entries: J.B.L. Noel’s THE EPIC OF EVEREST (1924, 7.5/10); F.W. Murnau’s FINANCES OF THE GRAND DUKE (1924, 6.3/10); Elia Kazan’s A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN (1945, 8.3/10); F.W. Murnau’s SUNRISE (1927, 9.0/10).




