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- 1080P克里斯·海姆斯沃斯/娜塔莉·波特曼/湯姆·希德勒斯頓/安東尼·霍普金斯/斯特蘭·斯卡斯加德/凱特·戴琳斯/克拉克·格雷格/科魯姆·費奧瑞/伊德瑞斯·艾爾巴/雷·史蒂文森/淺野忠信/喬希·達拉斯/杰米·亞歷山大/蕾妮·羅素/艾德里安娜·巴拉扎/馬克斯米利亞諾·赫爾南德斯/杰瑞米·雷納/塞繆爾·杰克遜/達科塔·高尤/泰德·沃普萊斯/斯坦·李
- 1. 1080P修女驅魔人
- 2. 1080P圓
- 3. 1080P再婚的技術
- 4. 720P親愛的家
- 5. 720P配對2
- 6. 1080P非常手段
- 7. TC編號17
- 8. HD圓2024
- 9. HD中字花暖簾
- 10. 1080P我們的勇氣 未滿都市 SP
- 11. 1080P靜默地帶
- 12. 1080P我的賽博格丈夫
- 13. TC中字想飛的女孩
- 14. HD森林王子1942
- 15. 1080P魅味
- 16. 第10集一級方程式:疾速爭勝 第七季
- 17. 1080P想象一下
- 18. 720P美妙四人組
- 19. 1080PIliza Shlesinger: A Different Animal
- 20. 1080P解碼危機
影片名稱: 弗洛伊德的最后一會
影片別名: Freud's Last Session
影片類型: 劇情
影片年份: 2025
制片地區: 美國、英國
由馬特·布朗執導,2023年上映的《弗洛伊德的最后一會》,是由馬修·古迪、安東尼·霍普金斯、歐拉·布萊蒂、喬迪·巴爾弗、麗芙·麗莎·弗賴斯、斯蒂芬·坎貝爾·莫爾、帕德萊克·德蘭尼、里斯·曼尼恩、索姆·畢紹普斯、Gary Buckley、George Andrew-Clarke、Anna Amalie Blomeyer、Cara Christie領銜主演的電影。
這是一部于 2023 年上映、由馬特·布朗執導的電影。這部電影改編自Armand Nigli博士的暢銷書《上帝之問》。來自哈佛大學。該劇講述了精神分析學家西格蒙德·弗洛伊德晚年邀請一位不知名的年輕英語老師CS·劉易斯到他位于倫敦的家中做客的故事。兩人開始研究和討論弗洛伊德最近出版的一本書。他們越聊越投機,他們交換了關于上帝的存在、愛、性和生命意義的價值觀。然而,恰逢第二次世界大戰爆發。弗洛伊德醫生是猶太人,他無法忍受因癌癥和親人去世而導致的雙重血壓,因此很快就因病去世了。這段對話也成為弗洛伊德留給世界的最后一份寶貴遺產。 。豆瓣評分達到7分,展現了一段復雜的關系和令人難忘的故事。
"Freud's Last Session" is a thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating film that delves into the clash of two of the most influential minds of the 20th century: Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, and C.S. Lewis, the renowned Christian apologist and author of "The Chronicles of Narnia." The movie, based on the play by Mark St. Germain, imagines a fictional encounter between these two giants in 1939, just before Freud's death and during the height of Lewis's career.The film opens with a brief introduction to Freud's London home, which has been transformed into a makeshift office due to the impending threat of Nazi invasion. The setting is intimate and claustrophobic, reflecting the psychological tension that is about to unfold. Freud, portrayed by Anthony Hopkins, is depicted as a man at the end of his life, still sharp but visibly weakened by illness. His character is a mix of vulnerability and stubborn conviction in his theories.C.S. Lewis, played by Matthew Goode, is introduced as an Oxford don struggling with his newfound fame. He is invited to Freud's home for what is supposed to be a simple chat but quickly turns into a battle of ideas. The two men engage in a philosophical and psychological debate that touches on the nature of faith, the existence of God, and the human condition.The screenplay is the heart of "Freud's Last Session," as it weaves together the personal and professional lives of both characters. The dialogue is sharp, witty, and laden with intellectual challenges. The film does an excellent job of presenting both Freud's atheistic and deterministic view of the human psyche and Lewis's theistic and hopeful perspective. The arguments presented are not only engaging but also serve as a microcosm of the broader cultural and intellectual debates of the time.The performances by the lead actors are commendable. They bring depth and nuance to their roles, making Freud and Lewis feel like real people rather than caricatures of historical figures. The chemistry between the two leads is palpable, and their interactions are the highlight of the film. The supporting cast, including Freud's daughter and her partner, adds to the authenticity of the setting and the characters' worlds.Visually, the film is simple but effective. The set design is meticulous, capturing the essence of Freud's study and the era. The cinematography is straightforward, focusing on the actors and their interactions, which is appropriate given the dialogue-driven nature of the film. The costume design and makeup also contribute to the period authenticity, making the audience feel as if they are witnessing a real moment in history.The film's pacing is deliberate, allowing the audience to fully engage with the ideas being discussed. There are no action sequences or special effects to distract from the core of the story. Instead, the tension builds through the dialogue and the actors' performances. The climax of the film is not a dramatic revelation but a moment of mutual understanding and respect between the two men, which is both satisfying and poignant.One of the strengths of "Freud's Last Session" is its ability to present complex philosophical concepts in an accessible way. The film does not shy away from the difficult questions but does so in a manner that encourages viewers to think and engage with the material. It is a film that can be enjoyed by both those familiar with the works of Freud and Lewis and those who are encountering them for the first time.In conclusion, "Freud's Last Session" is a well-crafted film that offers a fascinating exploration of two contrasting worldviews. It is a testament to the power of dialogue and the human capacity for understanding and empathy, even in the face of deep ideological differences. The film is not only a tribute to the legacy of Freud and Lewis but also a celebration of the human spirit's quest for meaning and connection. It is a film that will resonate with viewers long after the credits roll, prompting them to reflect on their own beliefs and the nature of the human experience.。