游客 海綿寶寶的鄰居 12/28 20:57Two years after his brush with death, Demba tries to turn his life around and resist the desire for revenge. Noumouké gets involved in brawls between www.yakubd.net rival neighborhoods, and Soulaymaan, torn between his convictions and ambitions, takes his first steps as a lawyer. Can the three brothers resist the wave of violence and the brutality of the events that befall them?
游客 Starturtle 12/20 08:17黑人。街頭。絕緣材料。毒品。律師。幫派。母去世。槍殺
游客 小蚊子愛吃醋 12/16 22:02非洲人在法國??2
游客 九° 12/16 15:17一個殘酷的現實問題,有對槍支管理的失控和對外來移民的天然仇視,歐美這些發達國家即使“每個人都有責任讓這個世界變得更美好”,但這個目標有人能知曉有多遙遠嗎?!
游客 姜沉玉 12/15 18:10Nice background movie. Liked to learn what happened to these ppl that I knew from 1