游客 夏天的尾巴 12/27 22:30一個巴爾干女人和她與三個男人的一生。拍得樸實無華,但讓人感動。現實主義電影的典范。
游客 背影中的男孩 12/27 02:121、窗臺上好多小貓曬太陽。2、生孩子時要躲起來,這不是貓的習性嗎?3、連著倆小孩都夭折了,看得心酸酸的。4、隨小孩下葬的還有一只白雞。5、在打倒資本家的口號中砸爛了小酒館。緊接著郵遞員送來了禁止酒館的行政命令。6、第三個男人煤礦事故失去了左腿。我一看到煤礦就想起小時候。7、一位塞族婦女不幸的一生,我咋想起了《藍風箏》了,相同點都是動亂年代一名婦女和她的三個男人的故事。
游客 麻辣燙五毛一碗 12/22 21:40看完整個片子只剩一聲嘆息
游客 羽裳灬飛揚 12/22 19:09《皮特里亞的花環》
游客 十噸冰美式 12/15 03:21民族史
游客 Niko 12/14 01:203.5 Weaving the personal and political usually is a formula for great story and this gets close at one point. There's a scene in the middle where one of the men's life was suddenly forever changed, was truly heart-broken. Overall it doesn't have a strong narrative drive and the third act on the alcoholic coal miner (reminds me of Life of a Shock Force Worker watched earlier in the year) drags a bit. Programmer at Anthology called this film "poetic" which I agree to a certain extent but I feel it could have been more affecting.
游客 Christelle 12/11 23:41生活會繼續,苦難不會停止。