游客 timetin 12/28 02:41為了drama而drama哈哈哈哈
游客 桔桔桔 12/24 13:45小鎮里的日常溫馨友善,一些有不良行為的人會一點一點的改變…最后的這坑有點深..
游客 Little D 12/18 19:27November?I love it so much I wanna watch it NOW. And now it’s July 23rd, I just finished watching it, god, I just love it so much, it has become one of my favorite shows. And at the end there are a lot of uncertainties that are to be told, I hope that we can have the fourth season ASAP! I’m so looking forward to it.
游客 Jane鳥 12/18 03:50開始拖沓無聊了,男主有自虐傾向,誰不搭理他就上趕著追誰,現實女主,現在是前女友,有點煩人了
游客 julh 12/17 18:19這一季劇情太過drama 編劇太過于生搬硬套了,指多對couple 還有健康方面。不過結局我很喜歡,karma is a bixch. 這個秀的風景很的好美,每次看到都感嘆 太美啦!
游客 wiwi1985 12/15 09:00middle-aged romance啊,坐等下一季
游客 北望 12/13 15:45第三季明顯開始狗血,不過小鎮風光和生活依然美好