游客 Yuanming 12/31 15:35母愛偉大。雖然只是個簡單的家庭題材的故事,但很用心
游客 玫瑰比鼻攻擊~ 12/30 16:43薩蘭登真的天生是演員,演對手戲的大嘴同樣出色。百轉千回的辛酸濃縮在最后的合影里。女人為了家庭,為了扮演好母親這個角色,可以放棄所有。如若突遭變故,一夜間發現自己一無所有。過去、現在和將來,點滴在心頭盡在不言中。
游客 你以為你是誰 12/28 04:15超級催淚彈。兩大影后加超可愛的小Aiken。雖然叫Stepmom,但感覺主角更偏向是Sarandon。
游客 uni 12/27 20:21她們喜歡Pearl Jam!
游客 angeland777 12/26 14:27never say never
游客 蛸齒 12/24 23:45永遠忘不了賈姬對孩子說的話,“還有夢,我們可以在夢里相見”。
游客 雙湖橋東 12/24 18:56吉娜·馬隆和斯嘉麗·約翰遜出生只差一天,同為童星,現在兩個人發展路線完全不同。一個在商業片道路上越走越順,一個堅持cult個性酷girl路線,聽說還組建了樂隊。電影就是那種溫情路線的家庭片,但是總感覺主角不是stepmom朱莉婭,而是蘇珊·薩蘭登……
游客 mqi.sz 12/23 20:25看完時淚光閃閃
游客 古城茶博士 12/20 08:37「You know every story, every wound, every memory. Their whole life's happiness is wrapped up in u. Every single moment. Don't u get it? Look down the road to her wedding. I'm in a room alone with her, fitting her veil, fluffing her dress, telling her no woman has ever looked that beautiful. And my fear is that she'll be thinking "I wish my mom was here." → And mine is... she won't. But the truth is, she doesn't have to choose. She can have us both, love us both. And she will be a better person because of me and because of u. I have their past... and u can have their future.」「Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it isn't there.」【?Ain't No Mountain High Enough?】
游客 蛋炒飯品鑒家 12/18 16:53時光就象一條奔騰的河流,將生命中的一切悄悄帶走~~
游客 千騎郎 12/14 11:30繼母難當,然則人人都有難唸的經
游客 qiuying?? 12/14 08:16I have their past; you have their future. 留意此間的丈夫,是個溫情的男子,很是歡喜,