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      • 游客 JohnnyK 01/02 09:17
        好土的劇情 觀望吧
      • 游客 大好人 01/02 07:27
        艾導 我的loser
      • 游客 糖糖糖糖你哥。 12/31 11:43
        195家媒體影評人給出鮮番茄指數95% 超五百名觀眾給出爆米花指數81%!
      • 游客 StillAir 12/29 06:34
      • 游客 pink wild 12/27 06:41
      • 游客 肖大杵 12/26 07:53
        @BFI Southbank Preview票子回流抓了一張去看,映后談兩位主角都來了,Kieran的隨性和Jesse的理性從熒幕中碰撞到現實里。Jesse說Benji的角色糅合了之前Spoils里面他的角色,然后我翻了下,糟糕,完全忘了當年看的劇里面在聊什么了!
      • 游客 東海龍王 12/25 21:26
      • 游客 ×Hsiung× 12/25 12:56
        I realize watching this can ease my pain a little? Good movie to blow off some steam. | The ending is so sad. Everyone just return to their pain like me when I left the cinema ?| Roman just being Roman for 2 hours | decent 5
      • 游客 蛋撻王子 12/22 20:26
      • 游客 whatmike 12/21 04:18
        這個節骨眼上來這一出 實在不知道genocide到底是誰的parole。
      • 游客 核桃還有林子 12/19 12:30
        {★★★☆} The pains are to be suffered from, to be triumphed over. They have scales, as do all instinctive emotions. But hardly should they be compared on whether it's real or not: an ordinary pain quietly undoing you from the inside, leaving you hollow and suspending in the growing time and space, is no less real than an unspeakable one that only left remnants in a gas chamber with a piece of glass facing the distant views. By connecting Poland that forever burdened with a historical scab with a group of modern life sufferers who happen to be offspring of the survivors of genocides, Eisenberg's screenplay forms an inequality while laying the incomparables on the same table.
      • 游客 有棲川 12/19 04:06
      • 游客 殻 核 12/19 01:32
        好想看啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 also plss pls let Kieran Culkin nominated best supporting actor plsssss????
      • 游客 裝卸原子彈 12/19 00:13
      • 游客 JohnnyK 12/18 18:47
        33rd Whitaker Saint Louis International Film Festival開幕式的影片,很好的觀影體驗。