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      • 影片名稱: 工作

        影片別名: 初出茅廬(港) 年輕人的煩惱 謀職記 The Job

        影片類型: 劇情 喜劇

        影片年份: 2025

        制片地區: 意大利

        由埃曼諾·奧爾米執導,1961年上映的《工作》,是由Loredana Detto、Sandro Panseri、Mara Revel、圖利奧·凱齊赫領銜主演的電影。

        該片于 1961 年 9 月 1 日在意大利上映,由 Loredana Detto 和 Sandro Panseri、Mara Revel 和 Tulio Kezich 主演。導演:埃爾曼諾·奧爾米。故事講述了年輕的多蒙利從一個小鎮冒險來到米蘭,并在一家大公司找到了工作。面對生活的巨大壓力和溫柔美麗的阿多麗,他很矛盾。夢麗只能無私地工作,希望能贏得阿多力的青睞。現實生活中,他一夜之間突然失去了很多。這時他才意識到自己是一個生活在社會底層的人。極度的憤怒讓他厭惡一切。近江導演早期確立風格和信譽的現實主義作品講述了一個15歲的鄉村男孩去米蘭一家大公司尋找工作的故事。男孩多米尼克在找工作時認識了一個女孩,而她也在等待工作。經過重重考驗,兩人終于如愿進入了公司。多米尼克通過不斷的努力成為了一名辦公室經理,但他仍然不滿足,對生活和未來充滿了野心。影片展現了意大利社會生活的艱辛,諷刺了求職者的貪婪,同時也提出了一個非常耐人尋味的問題:工業社會的緊張、單調以及對青春和純真的摧殘。整部影片注重對日常生活的細節描寫,還原了一名職員平凡生活和工作的心理現實。導演并沒有在影片中投入太多自己對生活的欣賞。他只是用一種生活流動的手法,以一種樸素、樸實的紀實風格,描述了這樣一個平凡的故事。 。豆瓣評分達到8分,展現了復雜的人物關系和令人難忘的故事情節。

        Gentle, tender, beautiful


        A humanist masterpiece. The film is certainly against the dehumanizing aspects of corporate life, but one hesitates to call it a "protest" movie, like some of Chaplin's repertoire. There is no expressed anger, but what I see as a reasonable, controlled indignation, made poignant by sympathy and sensibility.Olmi's films never disappoint. His technical background gives him fine eyes for the subtlety of light and shadow in black/white cinematography. His two best-known works, "Il Posto" and "Il Fidanzati", are the epitomes of B/W accomplishment. There is a sweet, quiet lyricism in Olmi that you don't find in other Italian Greats, not even in de Sica. Maybe that is why, when the film ends, we are left to care and worry about the heroes and heroines, far beyond their existence in the plot. For instance, I keep thinking of the boy clerk, of what kind of man he'll grow up as, and wondering what kind of a bride he'll eventually take. No other director has this power to make the cast feel like family to the audience. But isn't that the magic of the film?。


